When a person grows up, they abandon the way they saw themselves. Part of the pain of growth comes from realizing that you have been dishonest with yourself, and that grief makes people change. You always have to take a leap to renounce what is false. When we understand that we were cheating, we try to be much more honest. Persevering in deception, once you have become aware of it, makes life less real and also erodes the energies. Like growing up, risk means renouncing false convictions, pacts and alliances, misdirected investments, superficial links and destructive habits.
Otto Rank dice que todos los seres humanos por igual no son libres… es decir, nosotros, con nuestra libertad, creamos una prisión. Y Kierkegaard: «El bien es abrirse a la nueva posibilidad y elección, la capacidad de enfrentar la ansiedad; la estrechez es el mal, lo que lo aparta a uno de lo nuevo, de experiencias y percepciones más amplias (con un velo que oscurece la realidad de la situación)».

Businessmen shaking hands