Desarrollo personal

The University of Life

The deep satisfaction of living the natural design of your existence comes mainly from the extent to which you are developing the "seed capital" that you obtained from family, society, culture, College ... This seed is developed by going beyond the limits of this initial capital, enriching it with your own inquiry, experience, and subsequent learning.

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Trust or Fear… Love or Defend

It is difficult to recognize that efforts, resources and feelings were deposited in the wrong place, but it is necessary to do so. Actually, links based on fear do not help us. We hold on to bad habits because we don’t really strive to grow and we need an excuse to justify our failures. We keep our bad habits because we don’t really love each other. The threat of losing the false security of the old convictions gradually weakens the ability to improve.

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Living the Purpose of Life is a Personal Choice

When our point of view is threatened we all feel insecure. Nobody likes to recognize that the problem can partly be oneself! The goal of growing is to overcome. Let´s accept life as a gift. Accept the responsibility to act according to our best interests. Let's think that if we are good people what we seek for ourselves will also be good, as long as we are honest with our needs.

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I Choose To Be Free

The modern corporate person, the bureaucrats, the tribes stuck in tradition, anyone who does not understand what it means to think for himself; whoever is scared about being bold and express themselves, prefers to be passive and imitate others. These are perfect descriptions of the "automatic cultural human", the human confined by culture, slave of it, consumerist, who imagines that if they acquire the last thing that propaganda is offering has theirs life under control.

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One Valuable Concern

The only concern that would be worthwhile is: What is my true talent, my secret gift, my authentic vocation? How am I truly unique and how can I express this uniqueness, shape it, dedicate it to something outside of myself? How can I enrich myself and humanity with my talent, my individuality, my emotions and longings?

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