Perfection or Harmony

Depending on your particular religion, morals or civics, you have an externally imposed idea of how perfection should look and if it is not up to that, it means that it is failing. For example, if you use phrases like "That's the way things are", "Things are the way they are", "This should not be like that", or a comparison of facts and things comes back to your mind with how they "should be", if they do not agree with your idea of perfection, you conclude that something is wrong. And if you are the one who does not agree with your own standards, you feel that you are failing.

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The Excess of Positivism that Denies Reality

Thinking that the mind creates reality, when trying to apply the law of attraction, we remain in the mental sphere, in areas of the "I" consciousness. Believing that everything depends on a super positive approach, feeling good forcefully, assuming that If we do not feel good, it is because we are out of control and have failed, we are in danger of becoming "spiritual perfectionists" in dealing with ourselves and others, to the degree that we were more loving before we were “spiritual”.

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