The Evil of the Century and Nature of Well-being

Being neurotic is being able to behave badly without feeling responsible for one's actions. Jung says that the sick person does not have to learn to get rid of his neurosis but learn to endure it. Because disease is not a superficial and meaningless burden, it is what the person is; the same person is that "other" that we always try to exclude. If we flee from the evil that is in us, we put ourselves in danger. All evil is potential vitality that needs to be transformed. Pretending to live without the creative potential of our own destructiveness is like being a cardboard angel. Sheldon B. Kopp

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The Most Important Skill in the 21st Century

Something strange happened with the birth of the internet; something changed about how we understand our identity and our existence. And that something was that our sense of self got translated into 0s and 1s so that we could project a part of our being as a single node into a global network of nodes made up of other selves.

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Constructive or Wearing Opposition

For most of us, our whole life is based on opposition, on some act of the will to go against the flow. And we cannot conceive an action without volition, without effort; Our life is based on it. Our social, economic, and “spiritual” life is a series of efforts that always culminate in a certain result. And we believe that opposition is essential, necessary.

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Read more about the article El Orden Interno Trae Orden Externo
Panoramic photo of large crowd of people. Slow shutter speed motion blur.

Inner Orderliness Brings About External Order

There may be carefully constructed institutions - political, religious, economic - but whatever the construction of these may be, unless our inward consciousness is in total order, inward disorder will always overcome the outer. We have seen this historically, it is happening now in front of our eyes. This is a fact. The turning point is in our consciousness.

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