Usefulness of Thought

Do you know that 99% of your thoughts are useless. William James put it best: “A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.” All my life I’ve been obsessed with practical things. Practical philosophy, practical knowledge, practical books, practical work, and practical advice. That idea comes from Pragmatism, a philosophical tradition that started in the 19th century in America.

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Overcome Difficulties and Achieve Successes

If you want to increase your chances of overcoming difficulties and achieving success, it is not enough for you to learn simple formulas that are often unrealistic, but rather to gain clarity about yourself and focus on developing vital skills with the right tools and guides. I want you to understand that you HAVE to have a clear and focused mind to do great things.

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Network of Thought

Prejudice has something in common with ideals, beliefs and faiths. We must be able to think together; but our prejudices, our ideals and so on, limit the capacity and the energy required to think, to observe and examine together so as to discover for ourselves what lies behind all the confusion, misery, terror, destruction and tremendous violence in the world. Thought is the common factor of all mankind.

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Integrated Existence

¿Cómo puede alguien en medio de sus actividades rutinarias recordar que es un humano, un individuo fragmentado, al que le ha sido otorgada una oportunidad de integración psíquica y espiritual? A medida que el ser humano se desarrolla desde el plano sensorial hacia el espiritual poco a poco va aprendiendo a ver más allá de las esperanzas y desilusiones, el dolor y temor, el anhelo de amor y miedo a la nada… y se da cuenta que lo que vivimos es relativo y temporal, siendo todo un efecto proveniente de una causa invisible desconocida.

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