The Evil of the Century and Nature of Well-being

Being neurotic is being able to behave badly without feeling responsible for one's actions. Jung says that the sick person does not have to learn to get rid of his neurosis but learn to endure it. Because disease is not a superficial and meaningless burden, it is what the person is; the same person is that "other" that we always try to exclude. If we flee from the evil that is in us, we put ourselves in danger. All evil is potential vitality that needs to be transformed. Pretending to live without the creative potential of our own destructiveness is like being a cardboard angel. Sheldon B. Kopp

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Read more about the article El Orden Interno Trae Orden Externo
Panoramic photo of large crowd of people. Slow shutter speed motion blur.

Inner Orderliness Brings About External Order

There may be carefully constructed institutions - political, religious, economic - but whatever the construction of these may be, unless our inward consciousness is in total order, inward disorder will always overcome the outer. We have seen this historically, it is happening now in front of our eyes. This is a fact. The turning point is in our consciousness.

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Sonido y Conciencia

"Si queremos aceptar el reto de encontrar respuesta a lo que hay más allá de este mundo, es necesario renunciar a las herramientas mundanas y usar la herramienta de nuestra…

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Network of Thought

Prejudice has something in common with ideals, beliefs and faiths. We must be able to think together; but our prejudices, our ideals and so on, limit the capacity and the energy required to think, to observe and examine together so as to discover for ourselves what lies behind all the confusion, misery, terror, destruction and tremendous violence in the world. Thought is the common factor of all mankind.

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The University of Life

The deep satisfaction of living the natural design of your existence comes mainly from the extent to which you are developing the "seed capital" that you obtained from family, society, culture, College ... This seed is developed by going beyond the limits of this initial capital, enriching it with your own inquiry, experience, and subsequent learning.

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