Alejandro Martinez

Mentor & Pianist

A Life of Personal Discovery

Almost without realizing it, despite my constant interest in expressing my authenticity and unfolding my potentials, I end up finding myself entangled in the currents of the world, following the customs and beliefs of others!

As a young person I begin to miss that education, at school and at home, does little to invite us to express ourselves with originality. Quite the opposite ¡both of them get us used to memorizing and repeating behaviors and thoughts, commonly accepted and inherited by culture!

At the university, I understood more clearly that traditional education focuses more on promoting technical skills than soft or human skills; for example, the creative capacity, which is little aroused, or the inspirational capacity, which is almost not even talked about.

I took some piano lessons, perhaps believing that in art I could be different. However, again, I focus on memorizing and repeating. Very little, or nothing, in expressing my interiority through my hands.

After the lack of understanding I felt, this is how I allowed, in my youth, traditional teaching methodologies to stagnate my intention as a musician for 20 years!

Perhaps for this reason, my first working years were varied: as a manager, financial and business consultant, trader and creator of online projects, surely looking for scenarios where I could express myself from within. But again, every job seemed to lead me, over and over again, to repeat commonly accepted methods.

Even with friends, expressing oneself authentically, thinking and acting in different ways than common ones, tended to generate prevention, ridicule or rejection.

In conclusion, both educational and work environments, influenced by social ones, offer minimal opportunities to unfold inner potential. On the contrary, they limit it.

Of course... today I understand that this happens ONLY IF ONE OWN ALLOWS IT!

How anti-human seems the habit of accepting the use of masks in our attitude but, even stranger, repressing our authenticity... our essence!

But yes... in my case, that young man, who did not find spaces to express himself with originality, paradoxically, rather than becoming the authentic person he wanted to be, he becomes a «faithful copy of the world.»🙂

Continuous Inner Deepening: The Method to Unfold My Potential

During my youth and my first working years, I continued human research. I discover various currents of thought and philosophy that contribute something to me; however, they did not satisfy me...

My true deepening begins in 2004 when I decide to focus my work on creating a mental gym, which makes it easier to enrich the lives of many people and reduce human suffering in practical ways. For that reason I established the Human Development Academy, now know as Alemart School.

I had some sense of how valuable this work would also be for me... but little did I know how much this would really mean to me!

With researchers who looked beyond traditional academia, both from the East and the West, I discovered the importance of avoid biases with fads or superficial or temporal concepts. Thus, building effective personal transformation methods became my vocation.

I understood the utopia of promising happiness, success or positivism, in a few steps and permanently, when the real thing in everyone's life is the ups and downs. That made it a duty for me to create tools to learn how to manage them in the best way possible.

Reaching my 40s, this gym for the mind and helping my students develop talents allows me to discover, in an unusual impulse, the skill to improvise on the piano and express my deepest truths through it. Truths that little can be transmitted with words... 

Today I see how improvisation: the holy grail of creativity, can be one of the most effective methods to unfold the inner potential of any human being, even so it creates little in their creative and artistic skills.

Improvising on the Piano Unveils My Most Original Capabilities

As a young man, I tried to take music classes, but I struggled with them by allowing myself to be limited by traditional teaching methods.

As an adult, working as a talent consultant, I take out the keyboard that I had kept under my bed for 20 years and discover that I can improvise on it!  in a fluid way and a very personal style, with the same methods that I taught other people to unfold their originality and creativity: letting myself be carried away by my ear, heart, emotion and environment in which I improvise with the piano, I began to express my truth without restrictions.

I begin to improvise without making greater intellectual effort, nor practicing anything before, but letting myself be guided by my interior and the sound I hear from the instrument.

I make up music by playing with rhythms, melodies and patterns for every harmony, mood and setting I play in. With faults I explore new paths. I am passionate about playing by inventing and I few little to prepare repertoires. Perhaps, because the sensation of improvising makes me feel full, while that of reproducing emphasizes the traditional teaching style: of memorizing to repeat.

I love turning feelings that sometimes seem lost into music... and creating stories that sound like poetry!

The majority who try their favorite art can also do it, in faster ways than traditional ones, and even without having technical knowledge, allowing them to discover their own musical or artistic style and, in addition, get to know themselves better.

If you are willing to give your best to the world consistently, I invite you to learn about this improvisation method that I created through the training: Creative In 7, so that you can express your art in the purest way, positioning at work, grow as a person and improve your income.

Just as you hear it... did you know that improvisation can help you in other areas of your life other than the artistic one?

Yes!… unfolding your improvisational art also helps you develop soft skills such as:

– Increase your levels of attention, concentration and perception

– Keep motivation high

– Acquire greater self-esteem, emotional intelligence and courage

– Learn to make better decisions

– Start communicating in more original and assertive ways.

Do you want something else?

Your expanded human and creative capacities lead you to raise your level of consciousness and inspire others to develop them.

Why wait... learn to improvise now – Click here

Alejandro Martinez

The True Wealth Of My Business Development

Exchanging the material comfort that a stable job offers to express my inner truth and live from it, has led me to go through situations that I would never have imagined I could experience.

At the age of 20, in the middle of my studies, I started working in a family business in full commercial decline. At 23 years old, I become its manager and in 1 more year, a partner. This allows me to stabilize it, triple its size and recover my investment in it.

Close to my 30's, looking for new horizons, I sell my participation and start as a business and financial consultant. Also, I experiment as a trader on the New York Stock Exchange and develop some online projects. I worked on creating a delivery portal that closed in 2000 when it was affected by the dot-com crisis of that year.

New experiences, connections, trips and the constant search that I maintained since I was young, lead me to discover, at 33 years old, that the true meaning of life is found in cultivating inner wealth before external wealth!

Focusing on my internal well-being motivates me to focus my work on creating significant contributions to humanity.

Convinced that success and satisfaction, work and personal, depend mainly on mental skills rather than technical ones, my consultancies began to focus on the psychological aspect; in professions and occupations as varied as artists, traders, coaches, psychologists, soldiers, educators, managers... Of course, expressing inner potential enhances all human activity!

In tune with my life principles, in 2004, I established the Human Development Academy and the East & West Foundation, today converted into Alemart School.

Hundreds of testimonials begin to make the benefits of our programs evident. More than 3,000 low-income people in the city of Bogotá benefit from them, in contracts with the city's Mayor's Office.

I specialize in modern educational pedagogies that facilitate human development, in practical, integrative and holistic ways.

At least 4,000 teachers have trained in person with me, transforming their leadership skills and teaching styles.

It was only after 7 years of helping to develop talents that, in 2011, I felt the impulse to develop mine: I take out the keyboard that I had kept under the bed since I was young and I discover the possibility I had of improvising on it!, with my own methods that I create according to what I hear and feel.

I have little interest in following the traditional techniques of music: memorizing and reproducing repertoires, since as a young man I had allowed my intention as an artist to be dismissed.

The methods I teach, in all Alemart School Training, much more than focusing on repeating or reprogramming the mind, they enhance your personal clarity and your consciousness, so that you discover yourself and develop psycho-emotional skills, such as creativity, among others... those that make it easier for you to unleash your talent.

No. 1 Online Mental Gym in LA

Driven by the results and recognition of our programs, in 2015 I decided to create the Virtual Platform of the Human Development Academy, with which the possibilities of internalization and continuous support for each member of the community are multiplied.

Artists, coaches, psychologists, human resources managers and executives, and thousands more "regular friends", from various occupations, have obtained the benefits of our training. Each of them with: a yearning to be better and resolve to create a prosperous future!

The testimonies of multiple people who have taken advantage of its hundreds of structured activities, introspection exercises, readings and videos, allow us to obtain the UK WWBR award in 2017 as the No. 1 Complementary Education System in Latin America.

The Method of Recognizing The Limits of the Mind

Being realistic, we know that the human mind hardly invites us to delve deeper. He usually prefers to memorize formulas to achieve goals in a few steps, hopefully with little effort, than to have the perseverance necessary to develop mental skills, because that requires him to make an effort daily.

What extra effort have I made today? Even if we say that "yes... we want to be better," we tend to stay more in comfort zones than to decisively assume our inner depth, which requires a consistent effort to study ourselves and look at aspects in ourselves that are often difficult to accept.

«The mind is a thousand-headed monster», say the Easterners, which uses countless strategies to discourage us from delving deeper into or taking advantage of our internal resources.

The business of helping to develop the mindset (mindset) in people in an ethical way, that is, motivating them to make a consistent effort to deploy their gifts... (without trying to manipulate them by promising them unrealistic achievements in a few steps or by exciting them!), by nature, goes against the mental current itself.

So, teaching methods do not require denying negativity but helping to focus on well-being. Learn to be friends with involutionary currents, without fighting with them, to recognize them and be able to avoid many of their harmful mechanical responses. With techniques that guide continuous inner deepening, rather than reprogramming or mental repetition.

To Be Good Is Not The Goal, Being Kind Is!

I confess that although «produce the greatest good for the greatest number of people possible», has always been a definition of ethics that has inspired my work, today I understand that my main objective before changing the world must be to change myself.…and that inner wealth matters more than outer wealth. Without separating myself from material abundance or "getting out of the system", as they say today... it's not about that! It's about greed, attachments, dependencies, vanity and ego (aspects in which our students prepare).

Also, today I recognize that, as I go deeper, everything I need has always been in me!

Undoubtedly, My willpower and the continuous development of my skills are the main resources I have., which, with proper guidance, allow me to deal with life's uncertainties, unfold my inner potential, and achieve goals.

My most valuable experiences, my greatest contributions and my greatest riches are generated when I realize that my potential is beyond my thoughts and that I can never truly hope to know everything...right after my mind stops resisting or searching and prefers to surrender and dedicate itself to giving!

Alemart School

"The Art of Being Human and Talented"

Alemart School is a dream come true that promotes personal, professional and artistic growth, committed to the integral well-being of all its members, who already exceed 12,000.

Our training methods, personalized mentoring and Virtual Education Platform: The Human Development Academy, have been recognized as the #1 Complementary Education System in Latin America, by World Wide Business Review of the United Kingdom.

Check it out by signing up for one of our training sessions now!

An expanded human potential through the strengthening of soft, artistic and entrepreneurial skills.

Support inner transformation in people, strengthening the ability to realize to expand levels of consciousness and promote intergal well-being. 

Create learning communities that allow self-discovery, enhance talent, entrepreneurship and global humanization. 

Contribute to balance in the various dimensions of existence.

With the Bravery of a Warrior and the Subtlety of a Tightrope Walker, I Can Ascend in Life with Agility and Security

Expanding my potential, in falls or faults, that we all usually have, I can get up, learn and move forward. And in achievements, also learn, thank and celebrate.

Thus, each step I take leads me towards an increasingly deeper reunion with myself and with my improved capabilities, to realities that I may not be aware of today.