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Our Heart Also Thinks

Innovative scientific revelations are inviting human beings to discover the hidden treasures that exist within them, beyond their brains, with which they could develop unsuspected potentialities and build a better quality of life.

Neurocardiology studies at the University of Oxford [1], revealed how our heart can use the 40,000 neurons discovered so far, the same as those in our brain, to take better advantage of our human capacities, regardless of our brain potential and even of our age. Many have dared to conclude that "our heart also thinks." Negative moods, unlike positive ones, generate very different heart rates, which affect our mental and physical health.

Traditionally we have heard that we usually use less than 3% to 5% of our brain capacity and we name Albert Einstein as one of the few human beings who has managed to develop up to 10% of it. He himself recognized the power of brain power, intuition and states of non-thoughts [2]. In multiple ways it has been shown that there are other ways to develop our potential, beyond our brain; we just need to realize this ourselves as well.

The so-called "thoughts" of the heart are not like the thoughts that our brain produces; They are not emotions either, since they are known to be produced by the midbrain [3] and tend to externalize and agitate the mind. The "thoughts" of the heart are commonly indescribable with words but they do produce a state of inner peace and joy, which leaves much more happiness than any external emotion or pleasure.

When we realize this reality, like many others that science has already discovered, we should at least avoid that the excess of technicalities, formulas or methods of the world, limit our potential, and begin to search in the depths of our being the characteristics that lead us to live a virtuous life of greater well-being.

[1] Neurocardiology: The heart has neurons like those of the brain. Luis Ángel Diaz, May 30, 2010

[2] “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind, a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. " Albert Einstein

[3] Online Course: Unplug Yourself, Integral Human Development ADH Program.