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Life is an Opportunity

Society has always been composed of: a. passive subjects, b. powerful leaders and c. enemies on whom blame, inferiority, hatred and hostility are projected: the scapegoats. The root of the evil caused by the human is not its animal part but its necessity of importance, of denying its own mortality and acquiring a heroic image of itself.

It seems that the human could not avoid selfishness, supposedly it is his natural physicochemical identity dedicated to conservation. But being a multidimensional being, the person always has before him the possibility of exploring the full range of his existence.

The task is to explore what it means for each human being to be a member of the earthly family. Some people are awakening from the long dream of the grouping and nationalism and are developing planetary consciousness and human ethics. The updated human rejects the standards of the massive culture of success and adopts the real joy that throws the chains of defeatist dependence where criticism and reflection are absent and goes on to discover new possibilities for action and new ways of encouraging and strengthening.

The simple fact of being alive is a contact with opportunities for a person to grow at any level. Always fleeing from any situation makes us settle with fewer and fewer experiences. Our world then shrinks and we become rigid beings. Thus each time we must use more energy to prevent being disturbed by the threats that surround us. We isolate ourselves. Our life has no direction and is only a reaction to what the world presents to us. Everything that is offered to us seems a threat to us. Everything that puts the integrity of our defenses to the test drives us back. If you can not risk, you can not grow. If you can not grow, you can not overcome yourself. If you can not overcome, you can not be happy. If you can not be happy, what else matters?.

If you can't risk, you can't grow. If you can't grow, you can't outgrow yourself. If you can't get over yourself, you can't be happy. If you can't be happy, what else matters?