La satisfacción profunda de estar viviendo el diseño natural de tu existencia proviene en gran parte de la medida en que estés desarrollando el «capital semilla» que obtuviste de la familia, la sociedad, la cultura, la facultad… Esta semilla se desarrolla yendo más allá de los límites de este capital inicial, enriqueciéndolo con tu propia indagación, experiencia y aprendizajes posteriores.
Life is also like a seed, it is not enough by itself, you will have to strive so that the seed springs up, becomes a tree and flourishes. Remember that a human has to overcome itself, that life transcends itself, always renewing itself, rebirthing. Life thus is an opportunity to investigate and understand something deeper than life itself, higher than the temporality of our permanence here, something superior, far superior to that.
If you obsess too much about the limits of your life without looking further, it’s as if you stay in the student’s university forever. The university prepares you for the universe, that’s why we call it a university. In itself, it is not the universe, just a preparation.
In the East, life is considered as a university, a discipline, a training that goes much further. If the preparation becomes eternal, then it becomes a burden. That is what happens to many people. They do nothing but prepare themselves, never stops preparing. But, on the other hand, they never take the trip, they just prepare. No wonder their life often ends up being just a feeling of impotence.

The University of Life
- Post category:Personal Development