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Integrated Existence

How can someone in the midst of his routine activities remember that he is a human, a fragmented individual, who has been given an opportunity for psychic and spiritual integration?

As the human being develops from the sensory to the spiritual plane, they learn step by step to see beyond hopes and disappointments, pain and fear, the longing for love and fear of nothingness … and realize that what we live is relative and temporary, being all an effect coming from an unknown invisible cause.

When our knowledge surpasses that sphere of mental duality, the passing illusions of our senses no longer deceive us. Although we are still living in the midst of these illusions, we know that just as they come they leave; and we are developing endurance and resilience.

In a game of cards, for example, each player has to deal with the cards that come to him. If the player has not developed emotional intelligence, he will protest and complain for the bad cards dealt to him, blaming his fate and destiny. In case you are not dominated by emotions, you will take things slowly, aware of the transience of the game.

If an orange is squeezed, juice comes out because that’s what’s inside. What comes out of you when you are pressured by external events? Do you become paranoid and locked in on yourself (fear)? Do you start yelling at people (anger)? Do you get defensive (pride)?

Gary Zukav points out in The Dancing Wu Li Masters: The subatomic world is a continuous dance of creation and annihilation, of the mass transforming into energy and the energy becoming mass. Transient forms shine in and out of existence, continually generating a changing reality, always freshly created. El mundo subatómico es una danza continua de creación y aniquilación, de la masa transformándose en energía y la energía pasando a ser masa. Formas transitorias brillan entrando y saliendo de la existencia, generando continuamente una realidad cambiante, siempre acabada de crear.

We can see that appearances, circumstances and situations have been changing throughout our lives. Our understanding and handling ability has also been modified. It is as if life were reflected on a screen that represents our awareness of the whole thing, to whatever degree. The conscious registers in the mind what is happening in the environment and in our interior, while we are awake, and also registers the dreams we have when asleep.

The mind receives incessantly records of the transient and the temporal. These impressions cause a feeling of discontent and uprooting, since the opposite would be the satisfaction of being built on the firm ground of the permanent and unchangeable.