Thinking that the mind creates reality, when trying to apply the law of attraction, we remain in the mental sphere, in areas of the "I" consciousness. Believing that everything depends on a super positive approach, feeling good forcefully, assuming that If we do not feel good, it is because we are out of control and have failed, we are in danger of becoming "spiritual perfectionists" in dealing with ourselves and others, to the degree that we were more loving before we were “spiritual”.
“Men love abstract reasoning and well-elaborated systematization, to the point that it does not bother if them distort the truth; men close their eyes and ears to all the evidence that contradicts them in order to sustain their logical constructions.” – Dostoievsky.
The law of attraction allows us to see clearly that the world is not separate from us, that everything that is inside of us is reflected externally. We may well be trapped in a mental world where logic tells us how to interpret existence. We will be inhabiting a collective assumption, castles in the air product of the imagination, a bubble alien to the physical reality and in disconnected pretension of the spiritual reality. Convinced that we are masters and lords until a natural event reminds us who has the true control.
Including nature with its contingencies in our notion of reality is considered pessimism. On the contrary, this existence with our feet on the ground would be the perfect platform for expansion, evolution and progression beyond logic and all other mental action, towards the expansion of consciousness and the awakening of the dream of illusion.
But many of the things that are reflected in our external reality are internal things of which we have no consciousness, until they appear externally. The conclusion is that we do not feel good all the time, but we have been told that it is our choice to feel good or bad at all times of the day.
De modo que nos sentimos fracasados porque nuestra vida no es una imagen perfecta de lo que creemos, pensamos que tenemos que esforzarnos más y caemos en un círculo vicioso en nombre del “positivismo a toda costa”.
Como si no fuera lo suficientemente malo que las cosas no vayan bien, encima pensamos «y tú lo estás creando todo». Tenemos la creencia de que si no estuviéramos haciendo algo mal, nuestra vida sería perfecta. Piensas que «debería estar bien sin importar lo que esté pasando y si no lo estoy, estoy haciendo algo malo y las cosas malas se van a seguir manifestando. Y parece que no puedo hacerlo bien, por lo que se ve en mi vida… así que concluyo que algo debe estar mal conmigo.