I Choose To Be Free

The modern corporate person, the bureaucrats, the tribes stuck in tradition, anyone who does not understand what it means to think for himself; whoever is scared about being bold and express themselves, prefers to be passive and imitate others. These are perfect descriptions of the "automatic cultural human", the human confined by culture, slave of it, consumerist, who imagines that if they acquire the last thing that propaganda is offering has theirs life under control.

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One Valuable Concern

The only concern that would be worthwhile is: What is my true talent, my secret gift, my authentic vocation? How am I truly unique and how can I express this uniqueness, shape it, dedicate it to something outside of myself? How can I enrich myself and humanity with my talent, my individuality, my emotions and longings?

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Read more about the article Renunciar a la Falsedad Para Crecer
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Give Up Falsehood To Grow

When a person grows up, they abandon the way they saw themselves. Part of the pain of growth comes from realizing that you have been dishonest with yourself, and that grief makes people change. You always have to take a leap to renounce what is false. When we understand that we were cheating, we try to be much more honest.

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Imaginary and Unjustified Duties

The person who wastes her life denying herself by a sense of the wrong obligation only diminishes and hurts others. Often, that person exaggerates that sense of obligation to justify his self-rejection. She considers that her obligations absorb her because she fears to look at her life as someone free would do. She feels that, first of all, she has responsibilities towards others and uses that exaggerated obligation to justify her failure to achieve her own potential and as an excuse for not taking risks.The person who wastes her life denying herself by a sense of the wrong obligation only diminishes and hurts others. Often, that person exaggerates that sense of obligation to justify his self-rejection. She considers that her obligations absorb her because she fears to look at her life as someone free would do. She feels that, first of all, she has responsibilities towards others and uses that exaggerated obligation to justify her failure to achieve her own potential and as an excuse for not taking risks.

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The Music that Emerges from the Universe and Not from the Composer

“En todo el universo, en cada átomo de la creación, en el interior de todo ser humano, hay por naturaleza música reverberando”. Almamusic.org Hoy son más los músicos profesionales reconocidos que distinguen la diferencia entre la música producida por el universo, con la cual es posible conectarse y desde la cual surgen hermosas melodías de manera espontánea, y la música que es enseñada para reproducir o interpretar. Veamos la entrevista que le hacen a Vangelis donde destaca el concepto errado que ha venido creando la humanidad sobre la música.

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