Take Risks to Growth

All true yearning implies a risk. It is not possible to grow without taking risks, without venturing. At each stage of our growth we become a little stronger, we trust more in ourselves. Although we seem to grow step by step, each stage of our growth is not determined, in reality, by a step, but by a jump. That is precisely why risking inspires so much fear, and also why growing up is so painful. Like any risk, growing requires leaving something without having the assurance that the next step is better. If growth were steady, logical and easy to predict, there would be far fewer risks, and more people would find success and happiness in life.

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Read more about the article La Música que Producen las Estrellas y los Átomos
Música de las estrellas

The Music Produced by Stars and Atoms

Every particle of the universe contains music within it. Scientists at the astronomical observatory in Japan have processed and listened to the sound produced by various stars, finding that sublime melodies emanate from them, in perfect and beautiful harmonies, which invite us to reflect on the majesty of the universe and the gifts of Creation [1 ]. Let's hear it at the following link:

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The Purpose of Existence

The spiritual path is a path that helps us achieve our goals. When we walk the path back to the source it is important to truly understand what is the purpose of our existence?. As human beings we have a purpose, and this purpose is to know our origin, if that understanding comes early in our lives, every facet will harmonize with the purpose in a strong and clear way, the important thing is to recognize that we have a purpose and what is, and then direct our steps in that direction.

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Perfection or Harmony

Depending on your particular religion, morals or civics, you have an externally imposed idea of how perfection should look and if it is not up to that, it means that it is failing. For example, if you use phrases like "That's the way things are", "Things are the way they are", "This should not be like that", or a comparison of facts and things comes back to your mind with how they "should be", if they do not agree with your idea of perfection, you conclude that something is wrong. And if you are the one who does not agree with your own standards, you feel that you are failing.

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Being Hollow Is Not An Insult But A Scientific Reality

Estamos compuestos 99% de vacío. Todo y todos estamos hechos de átomos, que a su vez, están hechos de vacío con sólo un 1% de materia, correspondiente a los neutrones, protones y electrones. De hecho, el neutrón de un átomo, es del tamaño de un balón de fútbol en la mitad de un estadio. Aún más revelador, es que estas partículas de materia, están realmente compuestas por otras partículas subatómicas más diminutas, clasificadas en quarks y leptones, que están hechas a su vez, de vibraciones de energía[1].

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