Sonido y Conciencia

"Si queremos aceptar el reto de encontrar respuesta a lo que hay más allá de este mundo, es necesario renunciar a las herramientas mundanas y usar la herramienta de nuestra…

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Network of Thought

Prejudice has something in common with ideals, beliefs and faiths. We must be able to think together; but our prejudices, our ideals and so on, limit the capacity and the energy required to think, to observe and examine together so as to discover for ourselves what lies behind all the confusion, misery, terror, destruction and tremendous violence in the world. Thought is the common factor of all mankind.

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Life is an Opportunity

Society has always been composed of: a. passive subjects, b. powerful leaders and c. enemies on whom blame, inferiority, hatred and hostility are projected: the scapegoats. The root of the evil caused by the human is not its animal part but its necessity of importance, of denying its own mortality and acquiring a heroic image of itself.

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