Learn How to Get Out of Psychological Prison, UNPLUGGING Yourself From Your Mechanical and Reactive Behaviors That Are Harmful To Your Life, And CONNECT Yourself With The Treasures That Are In You
So That You Can Take Charge Of Your Future And Prevent Others From Doing It For You
The Life Training That Has Transformed the Lives of Thousands of People
Do you take charge of your thoughts or do you act like a puppet of fate?
We resist understanding that we are living in ways that are more automatic than authentic! so accustomed to following the course set by the environment in which we grow, like the groove that the needle of a record follows, that we barely realize that we repeat inherited cultural patterns over and over again.
The risk is in living as if the record is scratched, colored by one or another current of thought, culture, religion or ideology, which is ultimately created by people other than me!
So... how to express oneself authentically despite the cultural programming we have received, without creating discomfort or resistance in the environment or within myself?
There are those who try to overcome this situation... usually, by following methods of a few steps, to achieve Permanent SUCCESS, HAPPINESS or POSITIVISM, often unrealistic achievements, forgetting that in life, FOR EVERYONE THE REAL THINGS ARE THE UP AND DOWN.
The key then is to learn to manage these ups and downs of life well., rediscovering your inner wealth and expressing it in everyday life.
Recreate-Yourself, give your best, so that you avoid the stagnation and high costs that a life directed by circumstances or your inherited past can bring you.
Even riskier, so that you don't end up believing that personal growth is very difficult, that little suits you, or that you postpone it until old age.
You don't have to continue sacrificing without expressing what you know you can give of yourself, much less allow your vital energy to stagnate.
With the current challenges, allowing it and hiding in the shell of your personality, denying the potential you have inside, becomes more painful and harmful day by day for your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.
UNPLUG NOW from the mental limitations that your environment brings you almost daily and CONNECT yourself to your potential so you can create your future with lasting comprehensive well-being and satisfaction!
With the training Recreate, it will be easier for you to embark on a journey into yourself so that you learn to RECOGNIZE BLOCKS that life has been implanting in you, OVERCOME LIMITATIONS from the environment or created by your own mind, and MANIFEST YOUR GIFTS, those that even today you may be unaware of... . WHATEVER AGE YOU ARE AND HOW LITTLE YOU BELIEVE IN THEM!

"The problem is not that people are uneducated. The problem is that people are educated enough to BELIEVE what they have been taught, but they are not educated enough to QUESTION anything they have been taught." Richard Feynman
And Activate Your Inner Wealth
Train your mind for 30 days, dedicating just a few minutes a day to rediscover yourself at LA's No. 1 Virtual Mind Gym*: The Human Development Academy.
Thematic Units
Module: Unplug Yourself
Texts, questionnaires, videos and exercises on the HDA Virtual Platform, with online tutors to guide your studies.
- Unit 1: Who are we?
- Unit 2: The Personality Paradigm
- Unit 3: The person
- Unit 4: Emotion, body, mind
- Unit 5: Components of the mind
- Unit 6: Scientific studies on matter
- Unit 7: Dysfunctional Programming
- Unit 8: Culture of "anything goes"
- Unit 9: Consumer puppets?
- Unit 10: Contact the permanent
- Unit 11: Mental self-deprogramation filters
- Unit 12: Continuous update
- Unit 13: Personal Innovation Roadmap
11 Online Events
Access to pre-recorded events, including webinars, conversations and interviews, that accompany the study programs of the Human Development Academy
- Unplug Yourself and Learn to Reach the Joy That Is In You
- The Maximum Elevation of Consciousness
- Live Healthily and Productively in Today's World
- Focus Your Attention On The Here and Now
- Leadership and Sustainable Living Paths
- Lasting Happiness
- The Attitude to Face Challenges
- The Multidimensional Being
- The Happiness Paradigm
- Human Development and Leadership
- Human Development for Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0
Get out of the psychological prison that you create when you live repetitively and automatically and start manifesting the treasures that are in you!

Training Price
1 Personalized 1 on 1 Mentoring Session to help you build your Personal Innovation Roadmap!, along with Membership to the HDA Platform for 30 days, Theoretical and Practical Introspection Exercises, Downloadable Documents, Videos, 11 Online Events and Guided Practical Training in the Platform's Internal Chat.
Change Spreads From Others...
Here's What People Who Have Taken Our Trainings In The Past Are Saying!* And Now It's Your Turn!
“Simply put, I have learned to be happier. I think it's not how things are but how one sees things. I decided to move away from the negative and enter into a search that leads me to my personal, work, social and family development.”
Alberto Zuleta
“I may not be able to mention the endless number of learnings, but I can mention that the first step is that I am breaking some paradigms, because during this time of life, I have permeated many religious, family, educational beliefs, as well as social constructions. that led me to think of a world of illusions and fantasies.”
Paula Velarde
“I feel that I have overcome some limitations, I am more spiritual, creative, compassionate, loving and more competent when it comes to communication.”
Julieth Esárraga
“There are a lot of super interesting modules in this program that help me think hard about the things we don't know in life.”
Darley Acosta
"The lessons learned help me build well-being and satisfaction in my life, since by taking them into account I can better control each of my emotions, thoughts and behaviors."
Adriana Aponte
"I experience personal, family and social changes that allow me to better communicate with myself and with my environment, which allows me to make the best decisions."
Yeinardo Moreno
“What I am studying has allowed me to discover things about myself that I did not know, and it is generating a lot of family and work well-being for me, since I am learning to act in delicate situations in which I found no other way out than to act badly.”
Hermes Rozo
“Really, the contribution that this program has left me is very important because I can manage my leadership and contribute positive group work to my community, developing their capacities and potentialities to improve the work, family and social climate.”
José Sánchez
*Individual experiences may not be common to all. Your history, education, work experience and commitment to this challenge may be different. These stories are illustrative and do not guarantee your success or failure. Your results may vary.
If after the first 7 days this Training "Recreate" is not 100% of your satisfaction we will refund your money in full with not questions or discounts.

Program Start
After completing your payment and registration process, you will receive before 24 Hours a message with your username and password to access the HDA Platform where you can do the exercises and access the classes on a deferred basis.

* This training is carried out on the educational platform of the Human Development Academy, which received the British award from Worldwide Business Review in 2017 as the best complementary education system in Latin America, to develop personal and group potential.
Do you need any help or do you have any questions?
If you have any questions or want to solve any problem when accessing this training, you can connect with us through the chat of SUPPORT chat at the right BLUE GLOBE at right.