Online Training:

Redefine and Express Yourself Better in All Areas of Your Life
12 Weeks of Gym for Your Mind
Why Do You Need This Now?
Do you live freely or like a puppet of destiny? Do your ego and instincts dominate you?
When you have the habit of acting according to learned beliefs and customs or, better, as others have told you to do, you nullify your most authentic expressions... the best part of you: your authenticity and creativity!

If you don't know how the mechanism of your mind works, your personality becomes a reflection of the collective mind, dyed with the color of your culture and family in which you grew up. Furthermore, the habits or thoughts of others teach you to create external comfort zones that lead you to get used to the law of least effort.
You can end addicted to the adrenaline that the pleasures of the world produce through your senses or body and only subsisting, in a apparent external comfort. Losing the opportunity to give your best to develop your potential and life purposes, EVEN THOUGH YOU DO NOT KNOW THEM, evolve as a human and enjoy the internal satisfaction that this produces.
Today, these external comfort zones that we created and helped build our personality, fall like houses of cards, due to the frustration and social nonconformity embedded in our minds...
For example, how can we stay positive when the collective mind focuses more on dividing than uniting? Or how can we be better when nonconformity, negativity and victimization are the "daily bread" for our minds?
Take Charge of Your Mind and Stop the World or Anyone Else from Doing It for You!
By revealing the mechanisms that limit or bind you, created by the collective or by you, and cultivating your skills, you will be able to prioritize favorable circumstances for your life. Your cognitive restructuring pushes you to develop your abilities, whether you have kept them dormant for a long time or you little believe in them!
Expressing yourself with originality and assertiveness will give you a unique comparative advantage, to make better use of your days, even in demanding or changing environments.
This is an invitation to expand! That you learn to raise your consciousness and communicate in clearer, more original and creative ways, both as a person, professional or artist.
Just imagine the amount of time and money you would save! if you focus on taking advantage of your most uplifting thoughts and controlling or discarding those that are distracting or limiting.
Start building a bright future...start now to InnovArte!
Cuando Te Inscribas A Este Reto Gratuito, Serás Candidato para Ganar Premios Incluyendo: Nuestros Libros, Cartillas y Kits de Crecimiento Personal en Estuche de Lujo.
Bonos de Regalo de US$100 para Invertir en Entrenamientos y Materiales ADH Vital.
Sesión de Coaching Personalizada con Alejandro Joanz.
El Gran Premio de Una Membresía Completa a Nuestro Programa Maestro en Desarrollo Humano Integral.
Para Que Empieces Ahora Mismo A Renovarte y Asumir El Control De Tu Futuro. (And Much More!).
Define and Express Yourself Better in Your Personal, Work or Artistic Life
With the Training:

3 Months of Inner Deepening

MONTH 1: Recreate
How to stop the past from controlling your life and truly take charge of it
Interaction with others, society and culture can greatly determine how we think, speak and act. Learn to identify reactive behaviors, which are obsolete and harmful to life in the present. Are we born originals and die as copies? Express yourself in more original and creative ways to obtain greater well-being and satisfaction in life.
MONTH 2: Why Do We Think, Speak And Act So?
Management of the Ego and the Instincts
Learn to read the context of your existence and the ground you walk on daily. Are you aware that you live in the mental zone? Do you know that your mind is an instrument usually governed by the senses? Much of your personality is governed by biology. In this module you become more aware of your psychobiological thoughts and impulses.
Channel your thoughts and emotions and turn them into allies of your potential creator.

MONTH 3: Effective Communication
How to Create Meaningful Relationships
Constructive relationships are two-way, based on goodwill, mutual trust and sincerity. Learn to sow so that you can reap amazing results in life. Train yourself in managing negative attitudes such as shame, doubt, fear, reproach, guilt, or other low-frequency emotions that are contagious and weaken your personal worth and your creative potential. Strengthen this potential, cultivating high vibrations such as acceptance, joy, respect, serenity, among others.
Build bridges with the world so that you generate positive effects in the interaction, learning techniques to listen and express yourself both assertively and effectively.
Take Charge of Your Mind and Stop the World or Anyone Else from Doing It for You!
Change Spreads From Others...
Here's What People Who Have Taken Our Trainings In The Past Are Saying!* And Now It's Your Turn!
“Simply put, I have learned to be happier. I think it's not how things are but how one sees things. I decided to move away from the negative and enter into a search that leads me to my personal, work, social and family development.”
Alberto Zuleta
“I may not be able to mention the endless number of learnings, but I can mention that the first step is that I am breaking some paradigms, because during this time of life, I have permeated many religious, family, educational beliefs, as well as social constructions. that led me to think of a world of illusions and fantasies.”
Paula Velarde
“I feel that I have overcome some limitations, I am more spiritual, creative, compassionate, loving and more competent when it comes to communication.”
Julieth Esárraga
“There are a lot of super interesting modules in this program that help me think hard about the things we don't know in life.”
Darley Acosta
"The lessons learned help me build well-being and satisfaction in my life, since by taking them into account I can better control each of my emotions, thoughts and behaviors."
Adriana Aponte
"I experience personal, family and social changes that allow me to better communicate with myself and with my environment, which allows me to make the best decisions."
Yeinardo Moreno
“What I am studying has allowed me to discover things about myself that I did not know, and it is generating a lot of family and work well-being for me, since I am learning to act in delicate situations in which I found no other way out than to act badly.”
Hermes Rozo
“Really, the contribution that this program has left me is very important because I can manage my leadership and contribute positive group work to my community, developing their capacities and potentialities to improve the work, family and social climate.”
José Sánchez
*Individual experiences may not be common to all. Your history, education, work experience and commitment to this challenge may be different. These stories are illustrative and do not guarantee your success or failure. Your results may vary.
Training Price
Including All Educational Resources
Membership to the ADH Platform* for 3 Months, with Weekly Group Sessions to Resolve Concerns, Theoretical and Practical Introspection Exercises, Downloadable Documents, Videos and Guided Practical Training in the Platform's Internal Chat.
If after the first 14 days this Training "INNOVARTE" is not 100% of your satisfaction we will refund your money in full with not questions or discounts.

Program Start
After completing your payment and registration process, you will receive before 24 Hours a message with your username and password to access the HDA Platform where you can do the exercises and access the classes on a deferred basis.
Think Creative
Free access to the course: "Think Creative" on the Personal Expansion Platform: The Human Development Academy, so you can unlock and take your creativity to a new level.
Topics, investigative resources and cognitive restructuring exercises for identify with your inner potential and remove veils that make it difficult to express it in your job or occupation. Tutoring through the platform's internal chat.
Save $US 75!
You Will Start Getting Different Results By Updating Your Thoughts

* Our learning systems are carried out on the educational platform of the Human Development Academy, which received in 2017 the British award from Worldwide Business Review as the best complementary education system in Latin America, to develop personal potential and of groups.
Start NOW InnovArte and take your skills to a new level, no matter what difficulties or changes you go through
Membership for 3 Months to the Personal Expansion Platform: The Human Development Academy, with Weekly Collective Support Sessions to Resolve Concerns, Theoretical and Practical Introspection Exercises, Downloadable Documents, Videos and Guided Practical Training in the Platform's Internal Chat, Plus Gift Voucher for a limited time: "Think Creative" Course (You Save US $75!)
Do you need any help or do you have any questions?
If you have any questions or want to solve any problem when accessing this training, you can connect with us through the chat of SUPPORT chat at the right BLUE GLOBE at right.