Online Program:

Programa Maestro en Desarrollo Humano Integral

Develop Soft Skills and Leadership to Keep Personal and Work Validity, In A Changing World!

Enrollment to the Master Program is Temporarily Closed...


Learn To Revela Tu Potencial, Para Ganar Más y Estresarse Menos. Descubre Cómo Asumir el Control de Tu Tiempo, Carrera, Éxito y Futuro, en un Mundo Cambiante y Do It For You.


Gain greater personal clarity and develop life skills that allow you to take control of your thoughts and effectively manage the real ups and downs of life.

Create the habit of continuous learning (learnability) and take your skills to a new level innovation, adaptability and mental agility, so that you are prepared and face your future with decision and intelligence.

Greater Personal Clarity
Life Skills Development
Autonomy, Agile Adaptation and Leadership

The Master Program in Integral Human Development is a proven method that guides you, step by step, on the path of personal transformation and the use of internal resources, getting used to knowing yourself better and developing your potentials in all areas of life.

Your Most Profitable Investment Is In You

"Personal development is a huge time saver... the better I become, the less time it takes to reach my goals"
Brian Tracy

Avoid losing your job, a valuable relationship or going bankrupt by learning to think, communicate and act with consistency and determination. If you learn to take advantage of every moment of life, you make better decisions and reach goals faster.

Through deep and continuous exploration, The Master Program allows you to save living costs, on a personal and professional level, which are often incalculable, helping you to:

- Simplify and clarify the problems and confusions of the mind, so that you take advantage of the days being consistent with who you are and your ideals.
- Activate your authenticity and autonomy, your own innovative responses, what you want and can do better.
- Take control of your thoughts, knowledge, emotions and experiences and avoid being distracted by feelings of fear, anger, or anxiety.
- Descubrir competencias y desarrollarlas, which perhaps you knew little before, both in personal and work life.
- Improve your personal and work relationships, even if they are deteriorated, strengthening them in trust and cooperation.
- Assertively manage challenges and learn from them.
- Make better use of opportunities, even if you consider them scarce.
- Guide you under a integral life plan that allows your renewal and self-direction.

This training is not for me, if I want magic formulas to achieve unrealistic achievements in a few steps. Nor is it for me, if I care more about accumulating information or certificates than learning how to make better use of who I am now. I will waste my time if I prefer to follow the mentality of others instead of taking care of my destiny. Albert Einstein said that "I won't be able to get different results if I keep doing things the same way".

This training is for me, if I want to commit to myself, to overcome limiting beliefs and develop my potential for continuous improvement. Also, it is vital if I want to work in what I like the most and know how to do best, in developing the best version of myself, personally and professionally, obtaining better and more stable income, or if I am determined to achieve my dreams and help others to reach them too.

Plataforma ADH Vital

Online Training

Programa Maestro en Desarrollo Humano Integral

Develop Soft Skills and Leadership to Keep You Valid and Balance Work and Personal Life
12 Modules - 4 Cycles - Monthly Consultancies

Cycle I: Innovation
Module 1: Unplug Yourself
Module 2: Why Do We Think, Speak And Act Like This?
Module 3: Effective Communication

Cycle II: Adaptability
Module 4: Risk And Challenges Of The 21st Century
Module 5: Comfort Without Slavery
Module 6: Reinventing Yourself

Cycle III: Mental Agility
Module 7: Constructive Use Of The Mind
Module 8: Emotional Awareness
Module 9: New Leadership

Cycle IV: Learnability
Module 10: Communion With My Community
Module 11: Planetary Awareness
Module 12: No Boundaries Existence

Unfold All Dimensions Of Your Existence
6 Dimensions - 6 Intelligences

Mental Self: Interpersonal Intelligence - Modules 1 & 7
Emotional Self: Emotional Intelligence - Modules 2 & 8
Relational Self: Intrapersonal Intelligence - Modules 3 & 9
Communitary Self: Social Intelligence - Modules 4 & 10
Global Self: Ecological Intelligence - Modules 5 & 11
Trascendental Self: Universal Intelligence - Modules 6 & 12

How Do You Ascend the Ladder of Updated Integral Human Development?

Alejandro Joanz

The methodology of the program get use to multidimensional and holistic strengthening, to experience grow in the mental, emotional, relational, social, global and universal fields, through 12 sub-programs that serve as steps in the transformation process.

By implementing the learnings of each module you go through different stages of your development. You are discovering truths that you have always wanted to know about yourself but did not know having studied them shortly before.

As you progress you can integrate your biological, psychological and emotional resources, you begin to think differently, to express yourself with assertiveness and to act in more creative and supportive ways. If I change the way I see the world, my world changes shape!

As result, you develop multiple skills, new talents, intelligences, competencies and new leadership, with broader life goals that include a contribution to others, the community, and the planet.

If You Believe You Can... You Can

These Are The Results Of Some Of Our Students!* Your Decision Transforms You!

“My Master Program in Integral Human Development has everything and welcomes everything that our life must take into account to be true, authentic, original and convinced beings that we deserve the best.“
Ceila Vásquez | School Principal

“The theoretical support is valuable to me, as long as it has scientific basis, the videos, stories and other reflections lead me to think that I must halt to self-analyze, because it is always easier to read the other, than to read oneself. It is even one of the challenges in Psychology, knowing oneself, and these tools facilitate that challenge.”
Paula Andrea Velarde | Psychologist

"In a nutshell, I am learning to be happier. These tools give the person a way to escape from this system that they created for us. The real satisfaction is not to have power or be a millionaire, but to be rich inwardly."
Jaime Zuleta | Teacher

"There were many lessons learned in this module that I can apply to my life, beginning by recognizing that perhaps in many opportunities we give more authority to emotions and allow them to dominate."
Viviam Lorena Rojas Doctor

"The most important decision of my existence."
Andrea Monsalve | Psychologist

"This program of human development takes you to another level, to see life in another way, from another perspective, which helps you to build a totally unveiled life of what had made a prisoner of you."
David Acosta | Head of plant

"I was making a big mistake when doubting my abilities, with the practice and the human development program today I can say that our own thoughts often limit us and are those that generate obstacles, therefore the importance of recognizing ourselves and discovering the abilities and talent that God has given us."
Diana Chaparro | Teacher

"This master’s degree in human development taught me great things, guided me to a totally different horizon, changed my way of seeing life, changed my mental chip; now I see life from another perspective that helps increase my potential. I feel like I’m another person."
Darley Acosta | Production manager

"It is important to highlight that the development of this program, from the first activity helps us to grow on a personal level."
Jaime Bernal | Teacher

* Individual experiences may not be common to all. Your history, education, work experience, and commitment to the program may be different. These stories are illustrative and do not guarantee your success or failure. Your results may vary.

What You Get When You Sign Up

HUNDREDS OF STRUCTURED EDUCATIONAL SUPPLEMENTS, such as videos, exercises, downloadable documents and prerecorded seminars, that support your transformation efforts and the unfolding of your inner potential.
ACCESS TO THE NO. 1 PERSONAL EXPANSION PLATFORM IN LATIN AMERICA, an LMS, the result of more than 4 decades of research, with cutting-edge technology and 100% online methodology to train anytime, anywhere.
UNLIMITED CONSULTATIONS to tutors and technical support via email or in the internal chat of the platform.
EVALUATION according to the degree of dedication and self-analysis with unlimited revision possibilities.
CERTIFICATION at the end of the program activities and approval of the final work.

Enrollment to the Master Program is Temporarily Closed...


Learn To Revela Tu Potencial, Para Ganar Más y Estresarse Menos. Descubre Cómo Asumir el Control de Tu Tiempo, Carrera, Éxito y Futuro, en un Mundo Cambiante y Do It For You.